How can I proceed with a return? Follow
We appreciate your business at Henry's. We hope you are satisfied with your purchase and enjoy it for a long time. However, if you are not completely happy with your item, you can return it to us.
Thank you for choosing Henry's.
Henry's offers a 15-day refund and/or exchange for most merchandise.
If your purchase was made in-store, please visit any of our stores and an associate will be happy to assist you in the refund/exchange process.
If the purchase was made through please contact customer service to make shipping and refund arrangements. Alternatively, you may also bring this item to your nearest Henry's location to have the return processed.
All items considered for refund or exchange must be returned in "as new" condition, free of visible marks, scratches or defects, and complete with all components and packaging materials. All items that have been opened will incur a minimum 10% restocking fee before they are considered for refund.
After 15 days, all merchandise is considered used and may be considered for trade-in purposes only.
All returns are subject to inspection and return approval by a Henry's representative.
Henry's does not accept for refund or exchange the following products:
- Gift Cards
- Open Software (seal is broken)
- Open computers and related peripherals, including scanners and printers.
- Open Memory Cards
- Non-stocked special-order items*
- Film
- Chemistry
- Batteries
- Bulbs
- Paper
- Ink cartridges
- Henry's Photo Centre products
*Orders placed for non-stocked special-order items are considered final sale. Pending orders cannot be cancelled.
Drone Return Policy
- Only unopened drones or drones that qualify as DOA can be returned for exchange or refund within 15 days of purchase.
- DOA is defined as a brand new unit that will not turn on or does not function pre-flight. Please click here for details.
For full details, please visit our Exchange & Return Policy page.